What Every Executive Needs to Know about Design

What Every Executive Needs to Know about Design

To be able to shake up the competition, better meet consumer expectations, and create the right marketing tools to connect with the audience one must:

  • Put the customer first. Everything you do should be consumer-centered. Placing yourself in a consumer’s position will allow improving their user experience.
  • Know your audience’s behaviour, ways and means of consumers’ interaction with their clients, with their networks. Understand their emotions, desires and what influences their decision making process.
  • Engage your audience (consumers) and create an emotional connection. Ask for their feedback and let them be part of the process. This will encourage them to try the result.
  • Creative concepts and design work should be strategy-based. They have to offer a solution to challenges that were analytically defined at the beginning of the process.
  • Prioritize needs, especially when budget is limited. It helps decide where to focus the efforts first.

Virgin America found out what consumers want and differentiated itself accordingly – They sure stand out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtyfiPIHsIg

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